
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Everybody Does

Yesterday was Friday. It was nice out. With a half-hour left in the day, I didn't want to teach anymore. The kids didn't want to learn anymore. Recess!

It was my birthday yesterday as well so I brought in root beer floats for the kids. Amazingly, only one spill! The root beer does make the kids a bit gassy though. As we were lining up to go to recess, I heard quite a few muffled burps.

So we get outside for recess and the kids are running around, I'm enjoying the sunshine and the fact that in 20 minutes it's the weekend. We've been outside for about 10 minutes already when I notice two of my students, Samantha and Natalie, walking out of the school.

Naturally I'm wondering why they haven't been outside with the rest of the class so I call them over and ask where they've been.

Samantha's matter-of-fact response: "Oh, I had to get a sweatshirt and Natalie had to poop."

Poor Natalie turned a very bright shade of red and shot Samantha one of the dirtiest looks I've ever seen from a 4th grader. She then turned to me and said, "I had to use the bathroom."

Samantha: "Yeah, she slammed her root beer too fast."

Then off they went to the playground. I'm pretty sure Natalie had a nice little talk with Samantha after that conversation!

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