
Sunday, September 18, 2011


Earlier this week I had the other 4th grade class for social studies. It was only our third time meeting together, but I felt like we were off to a great start. As the students sat down I greeted them by name. The class seemed upbeat and ready to go. We had a lot I wanted to get done so I got right down to business.

"Alright everybody, who remembers what we talked about on Monday?"

There were a few blank stares, several nervous looks around the room, and exactly one not-very-confidently raised hand.

"Claire! Thank you! Do you remember what we talked about?"

Claire:" "I think it was social scientists or something?"

"Exactly! We talked about the four types of social scientists. Does anyone remember one of the four we are learning about?"

Nothing. The kids were racking their brains, but I could see absolutely zero students with a look that showed any sort of recollection. So I figured, I'll roll with it. It's tough to remember the words economist, geographer, political scientist, and historian. Maybe if I give them one and it will spark their memory.

"Well the first one we talked about was the economist. They were interested in how people made and spent money. Anyone remember any of the others?"

Nothing. I could tell they were really trying to recall something, anything. They had nothing. Alright, I figured. Let's just get back to reading about the social scientists with their partners from last time and we'll review after their done.

"Alright let's just get back to working with our partners from last time. Who remembers their partner?"

Nothing. I'm starting to think these kids might not have the capacity to make short term memories.

"Nobody remembers their partner? I guess we can just pick partners agai.....

Finally a hand!

"Jason! You remember your partner?"

Jason: "I think so..."

"Ok, let's take out our books and look at page 4. You read about the economist and then drew some pictures and symbols to represent what the economist is interested in."

Another hand. Maybe they finally remember.

"Mr. Pajak? You didn't give us our books yet."

Everything I was expecting them to remember was what I did with MY class in social studies. We did talk about social scientists, but I only mentioned that we would be learning about four different types. They had no books. They had no partners. Whoops.

At least Jason remembered his partner.

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