
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Some Randoms

It's that time of year right now. January and February can seem to drag on f o r e v e r. Good thing I have 4th graders to help lighten my day when there isn't much light outside. I've been jotting down some comments, questions, and remarks over the last couple of weeks that have helped make my day a little bit brighter.

In religion we've been studying the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus. We had just finished reading about the resurrection as a class when Megan volunteered to read the next paragraph about the ascension. She began reading, "The assassination of Jesus occurred ...."

Another religion topic we recently covered is baptism. While discussing baptism I noticed several students looked confused when I mentioned that our baptism cleanses us from original sin. So I asked "Who knows what original sin is?" Alexander held up his hand confidently, "I'm pretty sure that means abortion."

The students were working nice and quietly one day when I overheard John say to nobody in particular, "I wonder what language cursive came from?"

We are studying the midwest region of the United States in social studies. One of our 'tour stops' was Iowa and its vast cornfields. We talked about all of the products that are made with corn. The one that Billy couldn't believe: "I NEVER knew popcorn came from corn. I guess it makes sense though!"

My students often come up to me while they're working and ask me questions that have nothing to do with what they should be doing. Today's question from Crystal: "Mr. Pajak, what's your favorite subject to teach?" A good question, albeit a tad random. I replied, "Well, I guess it depends on the day." Crystal, still very interested asked, "How 'bout on Mondays?"

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