
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Rumblings and Musings

It's a busy time of year with field trips, big projects, and kids who can't sit still because the sun is out. I've been jotting a few things down over the past few weeks and finally have a little time to sit down and write. So without further ado...Deep thoughts. By fourth graders.

We were lining up for recess. I had on a black windbreaker. It looks nothing like leather. I had been wearing this jacket for about two weeks.
Luke: "Mr. Pajak, is that leather?"
"No Luke, I'm not sure what it is. I know it's not leather though."
Luke: "It looks like leather. Are you a biker?"

The students need to write a paragraph for the state project about their state's agricultural products. It took a little explaining to make sure everyone was on the same page with what 'agricultural products' are. After the long discussion, Josh had a question. "Why do they call them soybeans?"

After giving her state report to the class on Iowa, Becca asked Erin, "If you could live in your state, where would you live?" Erin's no-nonsense response: "I would not want to live in Iowa."

Natalie asked me during recess one day if I thought she talked a lot. She does. So I said yes. She responded with "My dad thinks I'm like my dad's mom, her name is Grandma Ann, she talks a lot too. He won't even talk to her on the phone."

And finally here is Samantha's latest spelling test. The parentheses are hers...Apparently she didn't even want to attempt number 11.

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