I recently walked by his table at lunch last week only to have the following conversation.
David: Mrs. Pajak! Mrs. Pajak! Come here! Mrs. Pajak!
Me: David, I'm a Mister.
David: (short pause) Mr. Piersak! (our gym teacher)
Me: No, David. I'm Mr. Pajak.
David: Mrs. Pajak? Mrs. Pajak!
Me: Mister. Mister. Mr. Pajak
David: Mr. Piersa...
Me: David. Slow down. Start with Mr.
David: Mr.......
Me: Now say Pajak.
David: Pajak.
Me: Mr. Pajak.
David: Miissterr Paaajaaak.
Me. There we go! So what's up?
David: Mrs. Pajak, Connor ate his corn dog!
We had almost the exact same conversation yesterday.
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